Saturday, May 29, 2010

my dream


sape x nk masuk UITM dowh ? this is really my dream! i'll do anything to get in there . insyallah ;) i'll do my best for my SPM examination this november . PMR dlu aku dpt 3A je and ayah really disappointed of me . kalau SPM nie aku x dpt lgik bnyk A dri PMR , aku xtau la nk ckp ape , sbb aku btul2 tgh working hard for this SPM 2010 . wish me luck k guys ;) and slowly , i try to changed myself and never forget ALLAH S.W.T. only him can make me strong and help me to face the difficult situation in my life .

ya allah ya tuhan ku , permudahkan perjalanan ku , jangan susah kan dan akhirkan dengan kebaikan , amin ..